Ulf Schlichtmann

Professor of Electronic Design Automation, Technical University of Munich

Professor Schlichtmann (b. 1964) explores design automation methodologies for complex (digital and analog) electronic circuits and systems. These often consist of billions of components and need to be designed using sophisticated optimization and analysis algorithms. In recent years, his research has increasingly addressed emerging technologies (photonics, microfluidic biochips, neuromorphic architectures).

Professor Schlichtmann studied electrical engineering at TUM and obtained his doctorate for a thesis on computer-aided design, and also pursued a postgraduate business degree during this time. He then worked for Siemens AG and Infineon Technologies AG in a number of technical, managerial and executive positions for about 10 years. In 2003, Professor Schlichtmann was appointed to a professorship at TUM. In addition to his research and teaching activities, he coordinates international study programs in both Munich and Singapore (TUM Asia). He furthermore serves as program director of the TUMCREATE research project in Singapore and is is a member of various advisory boards and of the acatech National Academy of Science and Engineering.

Contact Information

Research Interests

design automation methodologies for complex (digital and analog) electronic circuits and systems