Hai "Helen" Li

Marie Foote Reel E'46 Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hai “Helen” Li is the Marie Foote Reel E'46 Distinguished Professor and chair of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Duke.

Her research interests include neuromorphic circuits and systems for brain-inspired computing, machine learning acceleration and trustworthy AI, conventional and emerging memory design and architecture, and software and hardware co-design.

She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees from Tsinghua University, and her Ph.D. from Purdue University. Dr. Li served/serves as the Associate Editor for multiple IEEE and ACM journals. She was the General Chair or Technical Program Chair of numerous IEEE/ACM conferences and the Technical Program Committee members of over 30 international conference series. Dr. Li is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE CAS Society (2018-2019) and a Distinguished Speaker of ACM (2017-2020). Dr. Li is a recipient of the NSF Career Award, DARPA Young Faculty Award, TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Fellowship from Germany, ELATE Fellowship, nine best paper awards and another nine best paper nominations. Dr. Li is a fellow of ACM and IEEE.


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  • Ph.D. Purdue University, 2004

Research Interests

Neuromorphic computing systems
Machine learning acceleration and trustworthy AI
Emerging memory technologies, circuit and architecture
Low power circuits and systems